Easy Steps Make Recipes Lodeh ceker labu siam the So Delicious So Delicious.

Easy Steps Make Recipes Lodeh ceker labu siam the So Delicious So Delicious.

  • anikitchen38
  • anikitchen38
  • Mar 29, 2022

You are looking for idea recipes lodeh ceker labu siam that are unique? How to prepare it is indeed not too difficult but not easy either. If wrong processing, the result will be unsatisfactory and in fact tend to be unpleasant. Even though the delicious lodeh ceker labu siam should had aroma and taste that can provoke our taste buds.

Many things that more or less affect the taste quality of lodeh ceker labu siam, first from the type of material, next material selection fresh, until the way of processing and serving it. No need worry if want to prepare lodeh ceker labu siam good wherever you are, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is could be treat special.

Ingredients and seasonings used in prepare
  1. Prepare ceker ayam,bersihkan rebus 15 menit
  2. Use tahu,potong-potong,goreng
  3. Prepare kacang panjang,potong-potong
  4. Prepare labu siam,iris batang koreng api
  5. Take santan sedang,dari 1 butir kelapa
  6. Take serai,geprek
  7. Prepare daun jeruk purut
  8. Use garam
  9. Prepare gula pasir
  10. Prepare kaldu bubuk
  11. Prepare care rawit utuh
  12. Prepare minyak utk menumis
  13. Prepare Bumbu dihaluskan :
  14. Prepare cabe merah besar/keriting
  15. Take cabe rawit
  16. Use kemiri
  17. Prepare ketumbar
  18. Prepare bawang merah
  19. Prepare bawang putih
  20. Take jahe
  21. Use laos muda

Jika sudah, didihkan air dalam panci dan masukkan bumbu halus yang telah ditumis. Cara Membuat : Bersihkan ceker ayam. Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus bersama lengkuas dan daun salam hingga harum. Masukkan terong ungu, labu siam, wortel, kacang panjang, buah melinjo dan jagung.

How to make:process Lodeh ceker labu siam:
  1. Tumis bumbu halus,serai dan daun jeruk purut sampe matang dan harum,masukan ceker dan tahu aduk rata,tambahkan santan,gula,garam dan kaldu bubuk,aduk terus agar santan tidak pecah,masak sampe ceker lunak.
  2. Masukan labu siam dan kacang panjang masak sampe matang,angkat.
  3. Done and ready to serve!

Tambahkan garam dan gula pasir, aduk rata. d. Masak lodeh sampai ceker cukup empuk, kemudian masukkan labu siam. Tumis bumbu yang telah dihaluskan hingga harum. Tambahkan sedikit air dan aduk hingga merata. Masukkan ceker dan tunggu hingga sedikit mendidih.

me, the simple preparation of Lodeh ceker labu siam above can help you prepare servings that are delicious for family/friends Congratulations enjoy