You are looking for idea recipes donut bomboloni coklat jabrik that are unique? How to make it is indeed not difficult and not too easy. If wrong processing, the result will be tasteless and in fact tend to be unpleasant. Even though the delicious donut bomboloni coklat jabrik should had aroma and taste that able provoke our taste buds.
There are several things that more or less affect the taste quality of donut bomboloni coklat jabrik, start from the type of material, then material selection fresh, until the way of processing and serving it. No need worry if want to prepare donut bomboloni coklat jabrik delicious home, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is can become treat special.
Ingredients and seasonings used in prepare
- Use tepung terigu protein tinggi/250 gr high protein flour
- Use kentang, kukus, haluskan/90 gr of potatoes,steamed,mashed
- Prepare gula pasir/50 gr sugar
- Prepare ragi/1 teaspoon of yeast
- Take telur/1 egg
- Take butter
- Prepare susu bubuk/1 tablespoon of milk powder
- Prepare susu cair (saya susu coklat)/50 ml milk(me Chocolate milk
- Prepare Garam secukupnya /Salt
- Use Bahan topping /For the toppings :
- Prepare Selai coklat, saya whip cream campur dengan Essen moka
- Use Chocolate spread (me whip cream with mocca Essens)
- Use Keju parut/grated cheese
- Take Kacang tanah sangrai, tumbuk kasar/Roasted Peanuts, Mash harshly
- Take Meises Chocolate/Chocolate rice
Donat Maizena (kumpulan tips ngadon dengan tangan) enak. Bagaimana membuat Donat ekonomis praktis dan pasti habis anti gagal. Adonan Donat Empuk Anti Gagal Tanpa Mixer empuk. Resep: Donat super empuk metode autolysis tanpa mixer Yang Lezat Sekali.
How to cook Donut Bomboloni Coklat Jabrik:
- Campurkan tepung terigu,ragi instan, telur, kentang kukus, gula pasir, susu bubuk dan garam, aduk rata. Tuang susu cair (saya kebetulan rasa coklat) sedikit-sedikit sambil terus diuleni sampai setengah Kalis. Mix flour, yeast, potatoes,milk powder, sugar and salt. Pour the milk (me Chocolate milk) little by little into the flour mixture, knead until half elastic.
- Tambahkan butter, uleni sampai elastis. Masukkan adonan ke dalam wadah, tutup adonan dengan serbet atau plastik wrap. Istirahatkan adonan. Add some butter, knead until elastic. Put the dough inside the large bowl, cover with the napkin or plastic wrap. Rest the dough.
- Istirahatkan adonan hingga mengembang 2 kali lipat dari ukuran sebelumnya. Tonjok adonan hingga mengempis. Ambil sebagian adonan, taburi tepung ke wadah penggilingan, Gilas dengan rolling pin. Cetak bentuk bulat. Istirahatkan selama 20 menit hingga adonan mengembang. Rest the dough until doubled the size. Then punch the dough until deflated. Take some of the dough, spread some flour, roll the dough. Take the molder, make a round shape. Keep aside for 20 minutes, until the dough arised.
- Setelah donut mengembang dua kali lipat dari ukuran sebelumnya. Panaskan minyak, goreng satu per satu donut di minyak panas. Lakukan satu kali balik saja ketika menggoreng. Ketika sudah matang, angkat dan tiriskan. After the dough arised, heat up the oil and fried the doughnuts one by one till golden brown. Only flip for one time during frying the doughnuts. Don't over flipped it. Take out from heat and drain well.
- Dinginkan doughnut. Buat whip creamnya (kalau mau pakai whip cream moka, kalau mau juga bisa pakai selai coklat). Kocok whip cream bubuk dan air dingin ingga lembut dan tambahkan Essen mocca, aduk rata. Cool down the doughnuts and make the whip cream. If you want to use the Chocolate spread then its fine). Mix whip cream powder until fluffy with the cold water, then add the moca Essen into it, mix well.
- Buat lubang di tengah-tengah donut, semprot selai coklat atau whip cream mokanya hingga penuh. Taburi keju parut di permukannya, atau coklat Meises, atau kacang sangrai, hias sesuai selera. Kalau di resep aslinya, cukup hanya menggunakan keju saja. Make the hole in the center of the doughnuts, and inject the Chocolate spread or whip cream mocca until full. Then sprinkle with the grated cheese or Chocolate rice, peanuts and etc. Design as your wish. In the original recipe, only use grated cheese.
- Done and ready to serve!
Resep: Donat tanpa telur Yang Terenak. Bagaimana Cara Membuat Donat empuk dan lembut Yang Menggugah Selera. Resep: Bomboloni / Donat isi tanpa kentang (isian coklat goldenfil) yang Enak Resep: Eggless Donut Enak dan Sederhana Resep: Classic Powdered Doughnuts (Donat Gula) Paling Enak Resep: Mi dok-dok pedas ala burjo Enak. Resep: Mie Goreng Manis (Tiam Mi) Enak. Cara Memasak Mi pedes huh hah Enak.
relatives or to be inspiration in do culinary business. Good luck!