Easy Steps Make Recipes Schotel Mie Panggang the Can Spoil the Tongue Delicious.

Easy Steps Make Recipes Schotel Mie Panggang the Can Spoil the Tongue Delicious.

  • Leny Handayani
  • Leny Handayani
  • Feb 8, 2022

Again looking for inspiration recipes schotel mie panggang that are delicious? How to make it is indeed difficult and easy. If wrong processing, the result will be tasteless and even unpleasant. Even though the delicious schotel mie panggang should have had aroma and taste that could provoke our taste buds.

Many things that more or less affect the taste quality of schotel mie panggang, start from the type of material, next material selection fresh, until the way of processing and serving it. No need worry if want prepare schotel mie panggang good wherever you are, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is could be dish special.

Ingredients and seasonings required for prepare
  1. Use 2 bungkus Mie Goreng Instan
  2. Prepare Bumbu
  3. Use 2 siung bawang putih
  4. Prepare 1/4 buah bawang bombay
  5. Prepare 3 butir bawang merah
  6. Take Bumbu mie instan
  7. Take secukupnya Gula, royco, garam, penyedap rasa
  8. Use Bahan isi an
  9. Use 3 buah bakso ayam
  10. Prepare 1 sedok sayur udang kupas
  11. Take 2 batang daun bawang
  12. Prepare 3 lbr daun sawi
  13. Prepare 1/2 buah wortel
  14. Use 1 kuntum bunga kol
  15. Prepare 1 lbr sawi keriting
  16. Prepare 1/2 bungkus keju

Lihat juga resep Mie Panggang Keju enak lainnya. In a pan over medium heat, add butter. Stir till it melts and add the onions. Saute until fragrant and add in the flour bit by bit while stirring.

How to make Schotel Mie Panggang:
  1. Rebus air sampai mendidih masukkan mie rebus sampai masak lalu tiriskan
  2. Potong2 sayuran untuk isi
  3. Haluskan bumbu lalu tumis masukan bahan sayuran udang dan juga bakso ikan aduk sampai.masak masukkan juga bumbu mie instannya tambahkan maizena yang sudah di larutkan untuk mengentalkan
  4. Susun mie di dalam cup alumunium foil tambahkan isi lalu tutup dengan keju parut
  5. Panggang dengan oven sampai keju nya meleleh
  6. Sajikan selagi hangat dengan sambel.instan
  7. Done and ready to serve!

Add in milk in small amounts until well combined. Reduce the heat of the stove. Add parmesan, chicken/beef powder, salt, sugar and nutmeg. Stir until well combined and slightly thickened. Olahan indomie satu ini enak banget Bun.

relatives or to be creations in do culinary business. Good luck!