Easy Steps Prepare Recipes Chicken Pakcoy Cordon Bleu the Awesome  Perfect.

Easy Steps Prepare Recipes Chicken Pakcoy Cordon Bleu the Awesome Perfect.

  • ihdanas
  • ihdanas
  • Jan 21, 2022

Again looking for idea recipes chicken pakcoy cordon bleu that are delicious? How to prepare it is indeed not difficult and not too easy. If wrong processing, the result will be tasteless and even unpleasant. Even though the delicious chicken pakcoy cordon bleu should had aroma and taste that able provoke our taste buds.

There are several things that more or less affect the taste quality of chicken pakcoy cordon bleu, first from the type of material, then material selection fresh, until the way of processing and serving it. No need worry if want prepare chicken pakcoy cordon bleu delicious wherever you are, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is could become dish special.

Ingredients and seasonings used for prepare
  1. Prepare dada ayam
  2. Take pokcoy/pakcoy/sawi sendok
  3. Prepare smoke beef (potong jadi 2)
  4. Take keju Mozarella
  5. Prepare Garam dan lada bubuk
  6. Prepare Pelapis:
  7. Prepare telur
  8. Prepare susu cair
  9. Use tepung terigu
  10. Take tepung panir/tepung rotu
  11. Prepare Pelengkap:
  12. Prepare Jagung dan wortel
  13. Prepare Kentang goreng
  14. Prepare Saus:
  15. Prepare Saus BBQ
  16. Use Saus tomat
  17. Use Mayonaise

The Best Chicken Cordon Bleu Panko Recipes on Yummly Chicken Cordon Bleu, Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole, Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole. Sign Up / Log In My Feed Articles Meal Planner New Pantry-Ready Recipes New Browse Pro Recipes Guided Recipes Smart Thermometer. The Best Chicken Cordon Bleu Panko Recipes on Yummly

How to cook Chicken Pakcoy Cordon Bleu:
  1. Siapkan bahan-bahan. Awali memasak dengan membaca basmalah, sholawat dan berdoa.
  2. Rebus sawi dan sayuran lain, sisihkan.
  3. Belah tipis dada ayam (jangan sampai terputus). Baluri dengan lada bubuk dan garam.
  4. Tambahkan pakcoy rebus, smoke beef dan mozarella. Tutup. (Bisa ditutup dengan tusuk gigi)
  5. Siapkan bahan pelapis. Bagi dalam 3 tempat. Gulingkan ayam dalam tepung, kemudian telur, tepung lagi dan telur. Terakhir masukkan dalam tepung roti. Simpan dalam kulkas agar tepung rotinya set. Ambil tusuk gigi sebelum digoreng.
  6. Goreng dalam minyak (deep frying) pakai api cenderung kecil sampai matang keemasan. Angkat.
  7. Sajikan dengan saus BBQ, mayonaise, saus tomat. Potongan sayur dan kentang goreng. Jangan lupa tambahkan senyum, cinta dan doa. 🖤
  8. Done and ready to serve!

Chicken Cordon Bleu, Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole, Chicken Cordon Bleu. Sign Up / Log In My Feed Articles Meal Planner New Pantry-Ready Recipes New Browse Pro Recipes Guided Recipes Smart Thermometer. Cukup ikuti bahan dan langkah-langkah yang sudah kami berikan, seluruh resep sudah teruji dengan baik Langkah-langkah Membuat Chicken Pakcoy Cordon Bleu Yang Enak. Add your review, photo or comments for Chicken Cordon Bleu. American Main Dish Poultry - Chicken Demikianlah Resep Chicken Pakcoy Cordon Bleu yang kami sajikan kali ini.

relatives or to be ideas for selling food. Good luck!