Easy Steps Prepare Recipes Lodeh Labu Siam dan Daging the Can Spoil the Tongue Delicious.

Easy Steps Prepare Recipes Lodeh Labu Siam dan Daging the Can Spoil the Tongue Delicious.

  • cookiesncream
  • cookiesncream
  • Dec 18, 2021

You are looking for idea recipes lodeh labu siam dan daging that are delicious? How to prepare it is indeed not too difficult but not easy either. If wrong processing, the result will be unsatisfactory and even unpleasant. Even though the delicious lodeh labu siam dan daging should had aroma and taste that could provoke our taste buds.

There are several things that more or less affect the taste quality of lodeh labu siam dan daging, start from the type of material, then material selection fresh, until the way of making and serving it. No need worry if want prepare lodeh labu siam dan daging delicious wherever you are, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is able be dish special.

Ingredients and seasonings required exist in prepare
  1. Use 4 buah kemiri
  2. Take 1/4 Kg daging sapi (sudah di presto)
  3. Prepare Bawang Prei
  4. Prepare penyedap rasa
  5. Use Bahan Bumbu
  6. Prepare masako
  7. Take Serai
  8. Use Daun Jeruk
  9. Use 1 buah labu siam
  10. Prepare 1 Santan Kara
  11. Prepare garam
  12. Prepare 8 siung bawang merah
  13. Take 5 siung bawang putih
  14. Prepare 5 Cabai Merah Panjang
  15. Prepare 6 cabai merah kecil
  16. Prepare Pelengkap Tumisan
  17. Prepare Daun Salam
  18. Prepare Lengkuas
How to make Lodeh Labu Siam dan Daging:
  1. Haluskan bumbu bumbu. Tumis hingga air berkurang dan bumbu sudah wangi, tambahkan lengkuas, daun jeruk, daun salam dan garam, penyedap rasa.
  2. Didihkan air, masukan bumbu, daging, santan, koreksi rasa.
  3. Masukan Labu hingga matang, tambahkan potongan bawang prei, bawang goreng, koreksi rasa.
  4. Lodeh Daging Labu Siam siap di sajikan. Bumbu mohon di koreksi rasa lagi ya bund☺️
  5. Done and ready to serve!

I say thank you for using the recipe that I convey on here. hope we Good luck!