Easy Ways Prepare Recipes Bok choy with Garlic Sauce the So Delicious Perfect.

Easy Ways Prepare Recipes Bok choy with Garlic Sauce the So Delicious Perfect.

  • Shanty Yuniar
  • Shanty Yuniar
  • Dec 29, 2021

Again looking for inspiration recipes bok choy with garlic sauce that are appetizing? How to make it is indeed not difficult and not too easy. If wrong processing, the result will be unsatisfactory and even unpleasant. Even though the delicious bok choy with garlic sauce should had aroma and taste that can provoke our taste buds.

Many things that more or less affect the taste quality of bok choy with garlic sauce, start from the type of material, next material selection fresh, until the way of processing and serving it. No need worry if want prepare bok choy with garlic sauce delicious home, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is able become treat special.

Ingredients and seasonings required in make
  1. Use bok choy (sawi daging)
  2. Prepare bawang putih, cincang halus
  3. Prepare garam, sy 1/4 sdt garam
  4. Use merica bubuk
  5. Prepare gula pasir, saya skip
  6. Prepare saus teriyaki, pengganti gula
  7. Use saus tiram
  8. Use air untuk rebusan dan minyak untuk menumis

Add bok choy and toss until well coated with liquid. Briefly cook some garlic in the oil, then add the bok choy - place the pieces in the skillet cut side down in a single layer. Now all you need to do is transfer the cooked bok choy to a serving platter. In a large skillet, heat the oil.

How to make:process Bok choy with Garlic Sauce:
  1. Rebus bok choy +/- 2-3 menit (air rebusan beri sedikit garam). Tiriskan lalu siram dengan air dingin(air es)
  2. Tumis bawang putih hingga kering kecoklatan. Sisihkan separuhnya untuk taburan nanti.
  3. Masukkan bok choy aduk rata
  4. Tambahkan garam, merica, saus tiram dan saus teriyaki aduk rata dab tumis sebentar aja sambil koreksi rasa.
  5. Pindahkan ke piring saji. Taburi dengan bawang putih goreng yang disisihkan tadi. Sajikan bersama nasi hangat.
  6. Done and ready to serve!

Combine garlic and oil in a small skillet. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into a. Once nice and golden, add the soy sauce and dark soy sauce. Place the bok choy on the plate and pour the garlic sauce on top of it. Add the rice wine or sherry, green onion, and the cornstarch.

me, the simple preparation of Bok choy with Garlic Sauce above can help you prepare food that are delicious for family/friends Good luck!