Easy Steps Make Recipes Pokcoy Jamur Saus Tiram the Perfect Really Delicious.

Easy Steps Make Recipes Pokcoy Jamur Saus Tiram the Perfect Really Delicious.

  • mycookingdiary
  • mycookingdiary
  • Nov 26, 2021

Are looking for inspiration recipes pokcoy jamur saus tiram that are delicious? How to prepare it is indeed difficult and easy. If wrong processing, the result will be unsatisfactory and even unpleasant. Even though the delicious pokcoy jamur saus tiram should had aroma and taste that able provoke our taste buds.

Many things that more or less affect the taste quality of pokcoy jamur saus tiram, start from the type of material, then material selection fresh, until the way of processing and serving it. No need worry if want prepare pokcoy jamur saus tiram good home, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is can be treat special.

Ingredients and seasonings required in prepare
  1. Prepare pokcoy/sawi hijau
  2. Prepare jamur
  3. Use wortel
  4. Prepare bawang putih, cincang
  5. Take bawang bombay, iris kasar
  6. Prepare kaldu ayam (atau secukupnya)
  7. Prepare saus tiram (saori)
  8. Prepare kecap asin
  9. Prepare minyak wijen
  10. Use lada bubuk
  11. Use maizena, larutkan dengan air
  12. Prepare Minyak goreng secukupnya untuk menumis

Masukkan lada dan minyak wijen, aduk rata. Cara membuat Tumis Pokcoy Saus Tiram Panaskan minyak goreng. Masukkan bawang putih dan masak hingga harum. Masukkan jamur kancing dan tambahkan Saus Tiram Selera.

Instructions to make Pokcoy Jamur Saus Tiram:
  1. Tumis bawang bombay hingga sedikit layu, lalu baru masukkan bawang putih. Tumis hingga harum.
  2. Masukan wortel dan gagang pokcoy, beri kaldu. Tutup wajan dan masak dengan api besar. Masak hingga setengah empuk
  3. Lalu masukkan jamur, beri saus tiram, kecap asin, minyak wijen dan merica. Aduk-aduk. Baru masukkan bagian daun pokcoy.
  4. Terakhir tuang larutan maizena. Aduk hingga rata dan cicipi rasanya. Apabila kurang asin bisa tambahkan garam. (Saya ga pake garam, utk diet)
  5. Sajikan di atas piring.
  6. Done and ready to serve!

Tambahkan larutan air dan maizena, aduk sampai mengental. Tata pokcoy dan siram dengan tumisan jamur. Kali ini kita masak yang praktis plus kilat aja ya Bun. sekilat kecepatan cahaya deh. wuuuuzz… 😂😂. Meskipun masaknya ngga pake lama, Baby Pakcoy Saus Tiram ini mampu bikin kita makan nambah-nambah lho. beneran deh! Masukkan air, saus tiram, kecap asin, minyak wijen dan gula.

I say thank you for reading the recipe that we convey on here. hope we Hope it’s useful and good luck!