Easy Ways Prepare Recipes Pakcoy ayam saus inggris the Perfect Tasty.
- Yosita Prabandaru
- Nov 7, 2021
Are looking for inspiration recipes pakcoy ayam saus inggris that are appetizing? How to prepare it is indeed not too difficult but not easy either. If wrong processing, the result will be unsatisfactory and even unpleasant. Even though the delicious pakcoy ayam saus inggris should have had aroma and taste that can provoke our taste buds.
There are several things that more or less affect the taste quality of pakcoy ayam saus inggris, first from the type of material, next material selection fresh, until the way of making and serving it. No need worry if want prepare pakcoy ayam saus inggris delicious home, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is able become dish special.
Masukkan saus tiram, kecap asin, kecap ikan, garam, dan lada. Potong bagian bawah pokcoy, lalu cuci sampai bersih. Masukkan pokcoy kedalam panci yang berisi air, serta tambahkan garam. Rebus sampai pokcoy layu, lalu angkat dan tiriskan serta tata di atas piring.
Cincang kasar bawang putih, lalu tumis dengan sedikit minyak hingga kuning keemasan. Tambahkan sedikit air, saus tiram, kecap Inggris dan lada bubuk. Kedua, masukkan ayam goreng krispi bersama dengan bahan-bahan lainnya. Sayuran hijau seperti pakcoy bisa diolah dengan berbagai bumbu atau saus. Salah satunya tumis pakcoy saus stiram ini.
me, the simple preparation of Pakcoy ayam saus inggris above can help you prepare dishes that are special for family/friends Congratulations enjoy