Easy Ways Make Recipes Capcay the Can Spoil the Tongue Make You Drink.

Easy Ways Make Recipes Capcay the Can Spoil the Tongue Make You Drink.

  • Tri Lestari
  • Tri Lestari
  • Nov 9, 2021

You are looking for inspiration recipes capcay that are unique? How to make it is indeed not difficult and not too easy. If wrong processing, the result will be tasteless and even unpleasant. Even though the delicious capcay should had aroma and taste that able provoke our taste buds.

Many things that more or less affect the taste quality of capcay, first from the type of material, then material selection fresh, until the way of processing and serving it. No need worry if want prepare capcay delicious wherever you are, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is could become dish special.

Ingredients and seasonings required in make
  1. Prepare brokoli
  2. Prepare wortel
  3. Prepare sawi kecil1
  4. Use bawang prei
  5. Prepare bawang bombay
  6. Prepare bawang putih
  7. Take bakso
  8. Prepare sosis
  9. Take saos tiram
  10. Prepare minyak wijen
  11. Use Kaldu jamur, garam, lada bubuk
  12. Prepare maizena (kalau suka kuah kental)
  13. Prepare air

Ilustrasi Capcay (Shutterstock) Baca: Kue Ku. Dulu, capcay sesungguhnya merupakan upaya spekulatif koki istana memasak sisa-sisa sayuran. Capcay is similar in taste to Malay or Filipino chop suey. The sauce is savory and often uses a mixture of oyster sauce, soy sauce, and fish sauce.

Steps to make Capcay:
  1. Persiapkan alat dan bahan,bismillah…💪😊
  2. Cuci bersih sayuran, potong2 sesuai selera
  3. Panaskan sedikit minyak, masukkan irisan bawang bombay, aduk sampai agak layu
  4. Masukkan bawang putih yg sudah di geprek dl
  5. Setelah agak matang, masukkan air
  6. Masukkan wortel, tutup wajan, masak sampai wortel agak empuk
  7. Masukkan sayuran yang lain, irisan bakso dan sosis, aduk rata
  8. Masukkan bumbu2 yg lain, koreksi rasa, masak sampai sayuran matang
  9. Capcay siap dinikmati, alhamdulillah…🥰😋😋
  10. Done and ready to serve!

Then to make the thick gravy, the sauce is thickened with a cornstarch or tapioca flour mixture. I love having this chop suey over a bed of hot white rice or with crispy noodles. Resep capcay terdiri dari berbagai sayuran yang dicampur bumbu rempah yang bikin nagih. Capcay cocok banget disantap saat cuaca dingin atau saat kondisi tubuh sedang kurang fit. Pasalnya, berbagai macam sayuran yang ada di dalamnya mengandung banyak sekali vitamin dan mineral.

how ? Easy isn’t it? That’s the make capcay that you try it at home. Hope it’s useful and good luck!