Easy Ways Make Recipes Balado kentang ati pete/ sambal goreng ati the Delicious Make You Drink.
- Nurganisa
- Sep 26, 2021
Are looking for inspiration recipes balado kentang ati pete/ sambal goreng ati that are appetizing? How to make it is indeed difficult and easy. If wrong processing, the result will be unsatisfactory and even unpleasant. Even though the delicious balado kentang ati pete/ sambal goreng ati should had aroma and taste that can provoke our taste buds.
There are several things that more or less affect the taste quality of balado kentang ati pete/ sambal goreng ati, first from the type of material, next material selection fresh, until the way of processing and serving it. No need worry if want prepare balado kentang ati pete/ sambal goreng ati good wherever you are, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is could become treat special.
Cuci ati ampela sampai bersih, lalu rebus hingga empuk. Setelah cukup empuk, tiriskan, lalu goreng hingga matang dan potong bentuk dadu. Bumbu: Rebus cabe merah, cabe rawit merah, bawang merah dan bawang putih hingga lunak lalu tiriskan. Haluskan bumbu yang direbus bersama terasi, gula dan garam.
Masukkan daun salam, lengkuas, dan cabe merah iris, aduk hingga layu. Setelah matang angkat, tiriskan, potong dadu. Goreng kentang yang sudah dipotong dadu sampai matang dan kuning kecoklatan. Tambahkan kentang dan hati setelah pete layu. Masukkan hati sapi, kentang goreng, aduk rata.
how ? Easy isn’t it? That’s the make balado kentang ati pete/ sambal goreng ati that you try it at home. Good luck!