Are looking for idea recipes bibimbab that are appetizing? How to make it is indeed not difficult and not too easy. If wrong processing, the result will be tasteless and even unpleasant. Even though the delicious bibimbab should had aroma and taste that could provoke our taste buds.
There are several things that more or less affect the taste quality of bibimbab, first from the type of material, then material selection fresh, until the way of processing and serving it. No need worry if want prepare bibimbab good home, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is able become treat special.
Ingredients and seasonings required exist in make
- Prepare 2 ons daging sapi cincang kecil/halus
- Prepare 1 ons lobak potong kecil tipis memanjang seperti wortel
- Prepare 1 buah bawang preh iris tipis
- Prepare 1 buah bawang putih, geprek dan cincang
- Prepare 2 butir telur
- Prepare 1 ons mentimun potong kotak memanjang seperti acar
- Prepare 1 ons wortel potong kecil tipis memanjang
- Prepare 1 ikat bayam
- Use 1 ons kecambah yg lebih panjang
- Prepare 1 sdm gochujang
- Use Minyak wijen
- Prepare 1 bungkus rumput laut panggang mamasuka
- Take Kecap asin/saus tiram
- Prepare Garam
- Prepare Gula
- Prepare Lada
- Take 1 piring nasi
- Take Bubuk cabai/bon cabe
- Prepare Kimchi (opsional)
For the meat, bulgogi style beef is most common, but you can also use ground beef seasoned the same way. Bibimbap are the artfully arranged, colorful rice bowls from Korea. Customizable bibimbap is like a culinary canvas where each eater is also an artist, creating their own tasty work of art. Find out more about these beautiful bowls and discover how you can create your own delicious bibimbap.
How to cook Bibimbab:
- Panaskan sedikit minyak wijen, bawang putih lalu masukkan daging (sisakan 1 sendok) dan lobak, tambahkan sejumput garam, lada dan sedikit saus tiram, masak hingga matang, jangan terlalu lama agar daging tidak alot. Sisihkan.
- Campurkan potongan mentimun dengan sejumput garam dan cabai bubuk, ratakan. Sisihkan
- Tumis semua sayuran (sendiri-sendiri) dengan minyak wijen, tambahkan garam dan lada. Sisihkan.
- Untuk sausnya, tumis 1 sdm gochujang dengan minyak wijen, lalu masukkan sisa daging cincang tadi, tambahkan lada dan sedikit air, masak hingga daging mulai matang. Atau bisa tumis dagingnya terlebih dahulu lalu masukkan gochujang.
- Ceplok 2 telur secara bersamaan.
- Gunting kecil-kecil rumput laut panggang mamasuka, saya beli di Indomaret. 1 pack isi 2 bungkus, gunakan 1 saja.
- Letakkan nasi dalam mangkuk, lalu satu per satu tambahkan daging dan sayur serta rumput laut dan telur yang telah di masak tadi berbentuk bulat lalu tambahkan saus gochujang di atas telur. Kalau pengen langsung di nikmati tanpa di tata bisa langsung di campur semuanya hingga rata. Tinggal di nikmati.
- Done and ready to serve!
Bibimbap - Trust the Koreans to transform the humble rice bowl into a recipe that's revered all around the world! With a kaleidoscope of seasoned sautéed vegetables, Korean marinated beef, and the signature fried egg, the thing that really seals the deal is the bright red, spicy Bibimbap Sauce that I can't get enough of. Mix it all up into one big delicious mess, then dig in! Meanwhile, heat ½ tablespoon oil in a large heavy skillet over medium heat. Bibimbap is to Korean cuisine what apple pie is to American cuisine.
relatives or to be ideas for do culinary business. Hope it’s useful and good luck!