Easy Steps to Make Recipes Bombolini simple the Perfect Delicious.

Easy Steps to Make Recipes Bombolini simple the Perfect Delicious.

  • Tanti Krispong
  • Tanti Krispong
  • Aug 18, 2021

Are looking for idea recipes bombolini simple that are unique? How to make it is indeed difficult and easy. If wrong processing, the result will be unsatisfactory and even unpleasant. Even though the delicious bombolini simple should had aroma and taste that could provoke our taste buds.

Many things that more or less affect the taste quality of bombolini simple, first from the type of material, then material selection fresh, until the way of processing and serving it. No need worry if want prepare bombolini simple delicious wherever you are, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is able be treat special.

Ingredients and seasonings required in make
  1. Prepare Ragi
  2. Prepare Gula
  3. Prepare Air hangat
  4. Take Tepung terigu
  5. Use Susu bubuk putih
  6. Take Kuning telor
  7. Prepare Mentega
  8. Prepare Garam
  9. Use Gula halus

Procedure: Bomboloni Step-by-Step Put the milk in a bowl and mix in the yeast. In another bowl, mix the flour, sugar, water and lemon zest together. Add the yeast and butter then stir well. Fry the bomboloni a few at a time, making sure to not crowd the pan.

How to make Bombolini simple:
  1. Siapkan ragi dan gula taruh di gelas dan aduk dengan air hangat lalu tutup gelas biarkan 10meni sampai berbusa
  2. Sambil menunggu ragi berbusa kita siapkan tepung terigu di wadah kemudian tambahkan susu bubuk dan aduk rata
  3. Setelah ragi berbusa tuang kedalam terigu tadi,dan aduk rata
  4. Tambahkan kuning telor dan sejumput garam dan aduk rata menggunakan tangan,setelah rata bungkus wadah menggunakan serbet atau wrap dan tunggu 1 jam sampai mengembang sempurna
  5. Setelah mengembang qt bagi menjadi 8 bagian (beri taburan tepung klo lengket) lalu bulat2 dan isi tengahnya dengan meses atau coklat batangan..
  6. Setelah semua sudah diisi siapkan wajan dan nyalakan kompor dengan api kecil tuangkan minyak dan tunggu sampai minyak panas setelah itu goreng
  7. Setelah semua sudah digoreng, tunggu bombolini sampai hangat dlu kemudian lumuri dengan gula halus…
  8. Bombolini siap disajikan… Selamat mencoba
  9. Done and ready to serve!

While they are still warm, pour some granulated sugar in a small bowl, and roll the bomboloni around until completely coated in the sugar. Fry the donuts, turning a couple of times for about two to three minutes on each side. A bombolone or as we spell it, Bomboloni, is an Italian filled doughnut that is used as both a snack and dessert. This sweet dessert is piped with various pastry cream and fillings. You could probably make a bomboloni with a different filling for a whole month and not get bored of this treat!

relatives or to be inspiration for you who want to do culinary business. Congratulations enjoy