Easy Steps to Prepare Recipes Mac N Cheese the So Delicious Really Delicious.

Easy Steps to Prepare Recipes Mac N Cheese the So Delicious Really Delicious.

  • Dapur Airin
  • Dapur Airin
  • Jul 16, 2021

You are looking for idea recipes mac n cheese that are delicious? How to make it is indeed not difficult and not too easy. If wrong processing, the result will be unsatisfactory and in fact tend to be unpleasant. Even though the delicious mac n cheese should have had aroma and taste that can provoke our taste buds.

There are several things that more or less affect the taste quality of mac n cheese, first from the type of material, next material selection fresh, until the way of making and serving it. No need worry if want prepare mac n cheese good wherever you are, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is can become dish special.

Ingredients and seasonings must exist in prepare
  1. Prepare 150 gr makaroni
  2. Prepare 1 sdm minyak goreng
  3. Take 1 sdm margarin
  4. Prepare 3 siung bawang putih, geprek lalu cincang halus
  5. Prepare 1/2 siung bawang bombay, potong-potong
  6. Prepare 80 gr keju cheddar, parut
  7. Prepare 250 ml susu cair
  8. Use 3 buah sosis sapi, potong-potong
  9. Prepare 1/2 sdt garam
  10. Use 1/4 sdt lada bubuk
  11. Prepare 2 sdm tepung terigu (dilarutkan dengan 50 ml air matang)
  12. Take Topping :
  13. Prepare Secukupnya keju Mozzarella

The macaroni should be too firm to eat right out of the pot. In a small bowl, beat the egg. In a large pot, melt the butter and sprinkle in the flour. Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat.

Step by step to make Mac N Cheese:
  1. Masak air secukupnya hingga mendidih, lalu beri 1 sdm minyak goreng, lalu masukkan makaroni, rebus hingga makaroni matang, angkat lalu tiriskan.
  2. Siapkan wajan, masukkan masukkan bawang putih dan bawang bombay, masak hingga harum, lalu masukkan sosis sapi, aduk rata, lalu masukkan keju Cheddar parut, garam dan lada bubuk.
  3. Lalu masukkan susu cair, aduk rata, lalu jika sudah mendidih masukkan makaroni rebus dan tepung terigu yang sudah dilarutkan.
  4. Aduk hingga mengental, lalu matikan api, masukkan makaroni kedalam alumunium foil, lalu beri topping keju Mozzarella parut secukupnya, lalu oven sebentar sekitar 10 menit dengan api 180°c api atas bawah, angkat.
  5. Sajikan selagi hangat, karena tekstur mozzarella masih mulur, jika ingin pedas beri tambahan saus sambal.
  6. Done and ready to serve!

Set a large pot of water on high heat. Meanwhile, begin the sauce by making a roux: in a medium saucepan melt the butter over medium heat. Continue to stir this roux over medium heat for two to three minutes. The roux should be cooked and free of the flour flavor but still light in color. Mac and Cheese à la sauce Raclette.

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