Easy Steps to Prepare Recipes Creamy Mac n Cheese (4 Macam Keju) the  Makes Drooling Make You Drink.

Easy Steps to Prepare Recipes Creamy Mac n Cheese (4 Macam Keju) the Makes Drooling Make You Drink.

  • Rossy Anna Oktavia ABATA Kitchen
  • Rossy Anna Oktavia ABATA Kitchen
  • Jun 29, 2021

You are looking for inspiration recipes creamy mac n cheese (4 macam keju) that are appetizing? How to make it is indeed difficult and easy. If wrong processing, the result will be tasteless and in fact tend to be unpleasant. Even though the delicious creamy mac n cheese (4 macam keju) should had aroma and taste that able provoke our taste buds.

There are several things that more or less affect the taste quality of creamy mac n cheese (4 macam keju), start from the type of material, then material selection fresh, until the way of making and serving it. No need worry if want prepare creamy mac n cheese (4 macam keju) good wherever you are, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is able become treat special.

Ingredients and seasonings used in prepare
  1. Use 500 gram macaroni elbow
  2. Take 650 ml susu cair putih
  3. Prepare 300 ml krim kental
  4. Use 3 sdm full cream cheese
  5. Prepare 100 gram keju cheddar parut
  6. Prepare 100 gram keju parmesan parut
  7. Prepare 100 gram keju mozarella parut
  8. Take 1 sdt merica bubuk
  9. Prepare 1/2 sdt pala parut
  10. Prepare 11 lembar smoke beef
  11. Prepare 2 sdm margarine/butter
  12. Take 3 sdt garam
  13. Take 5 sdm tepung roti kasar
  14. Use 1 batang seledri cincang
  15. Prepare 1 sdt parsley kering
  16. Prepare 1 1/2 sdm tepung terigu
  17. Take Air secukupnya utk merebus macaroni

Rasanya gurih dan creamy dan penyajiannya bisa dilelehkan seperti keju mozarella. Lihat juga cara membuat Mac n Cheese tanpa Microwave dan masakan sehari-hari lainnya. Hi guys!! jadi pada video kali ini Anime cooking bikin resep cara membuat Makaroni keju (Macaroni N Cheese)!! So jangan skip videonya biar ngga ketinggalan k.

How to make:process Creamy Mac n Cheese (4 Macam Keju):
  1. Didihkan air beri 1 sdm minyak sayur dan 1 sdm garam,rebus macaroni sampe Al dente,angkat tiriskan
  2. Aduk krim kental dan cream Cheese sampe larut kemudian tuangi 650 ml susu cair aduk rata
  3. Panaskan 1 1/2 sdm margarine tumis smoke beef (8 lembar) sebentar saja,angkat sisihkan
  4. Margarine sisa menggoreng smoke beef,masukkan 1 1/2 sdm tepung terigu, aduk cepat kemudian tuangi larutan susu,krim kental dan cream cheese,tambahkan 11/2 sdt garam,merica bubuk dan pala aduk rata,masukkan jg keju cheddar, parmesan dan mozarella,masak sampe mengental
  5. Masukkan macaroni dan smoke beef aduk rata,matikan kompor
  6. Taruh macaroni dlm pinggan sampe setengah bagian,taburi dgn parutan keju cheddar tambahkan lg adonan macaroni hingga pinggang penuh, panggang Mac n Cheese selama 10 menit dgn suhu 170° (microwave oven)
  7. Lelehkan 1 sdm margarine,tumis 3 lembar smoke beef cincang,tambahkan seledri cincang,parsley,tepung roti dan 1/2 sdt garam,aduk rata
  8. Setelah macaroni matang taburi dgn cincangan smoke beef tepung roti,oven kembali selama 2 menit (bs jg tdk usah d oven lg)
  9. Sajikan Creamy Mac n Cheese selagi hangat dgn tambahan saos sambal lebih nikmat
  10. Utk 1 resep ini jadinya spt d foto ya
  11. Done and ready to serve!

Makaroni dan keju yang juga biasa disebut mac and cheese, adalah hidangan pasta asal Amerika yang cukup populer dan sering disajikan sebagai menu andalan di berbagai restoran. Low fat version of this old favorite. Add your review, photo or comments for Creamy Mac N' Cheese. The mystery of its Day-Glo orange color, the flood of nostalgia from its delicious orange powder, the squelching sound of the sauce filling the hollows of the noodles as you stir- it's all disgustingly good. Except, of course, the fact that it's basically processed poison.

I say thank you for using the recipe that we convey on here. hope we Good luck!