Are looking for idea recipes mac n cheese that are delicious? How to make it is indeed not difficult and not too easy. If wrong processing, the result will be tasteless and in fact tend to be unpleasant. Even though the delicious mac n cheese should have had aroma and taste that able provoke our taste buds.
There are several things that more or less affect the taste quality of mac n cheese, start from the type of material, then material selection fresh, until the way of making and serving it. No need worry if want prepare mac n cheese delicious wherever you are, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is able be dish special.
Ingredients and seasonings required exist in prepare
- Take 150 gram makaroni
- Prepare 1/2 buah bombai
- Prepare 30 gram margarin
- Prepare 20 gram terigu serbaguna
- Prepare 500 ml susu cair
- Prepare 50 gram keju cheese melt
- Prepare 50 gram keju cheddar parut
- Prepare Secubit garam, lada,pala bubuk
- Use Tumisan daging:
- Prepare 250 gram daging cincang (me: ayam) boleh ditambah sosis
- Prepare 15 gram margarin
- Prepare 1/4 buah bombai cincang halus
- Prepare Saus keju :
- Prepare 45 gram margarin
- Take 20 gram terigu serbaguna
- Prepare 75 gram keju cheddar parut halus
- Prepare 500 ml susu cair
- Prepare Toping :
- Take Keju cheese melt/ Mozarella
- Prepare Parsley
The macaroni should be too firm to eat right out of the pot. In a small bowl, beat the egg. In a large pot, melt the butter and sprinkle in the flour. Turn mac 'n' cheese into a decadent meal with chunks of fresh lobster.
How to cook Mac n cheese:
- Rebus makaroni setengah matang aja. Tambahkan sedikit garam dan minyak sayur ke air rebusan agar makaroni ga saling menempel. Lalu tiriskan
- Buat tumisan daging. Lelehkan margarin tumis bombai sampai harum lalu masukkan daging/ayam. (Saya tambah sosis) Masak sampai matang, sisihkan
- Buat saus keju Lelehkan margarin, masukkan terigu, aduk rata Masukkan susu cair dan keju, masak sampai keju larut. Sisihkan
- Panaskan margarin lalu tumis bombai cincang tumis sampai layu lalu masukkan terigu masak sampai harum. Masukkan susu cair perlahan sambil diaduk.
- Masukkan keju cheddar parut dan keju melt aduk sampai keju larut lalu masukkan makaroni rebus dan tumisan daging. Tambahkan garam,pala dan garam. Aduk rata
- Tata di aluminium foil. Masukkan makaroni lalu tambahkan saus keju sampai menutupi makaroni. Beri topping keju melt dan taburan parsley.lalu panggang 200 darcel 20 menit / sampai kecoklatan.
- Siap 😃
- Done and ready to serve!
The secret to this casserole is pureed winter. Easy homemade mac and cheese recipe. Creamy, cheesy, rich and super delicious macaroni and cheese recipe. Equipment I Used in This Video: Tips for the BEST Mac & Cheese!
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