Easy Steps to Prepare Recipes Mac and Cheese Panggang the Perfect Make You Drink.

Easy Steps to Prepare Recipes Mac and Cheese Panggang the Perfect Make You Drink.

  • yunita hastuti
  • yunita hastuti
  • Jun 26, 2021

You are looking for idea recipes mac and cheese panggang that are delicious? How to make it is indeed difficult and easy. If wrong processing, the result will be tasteless and even unpleasant. Even though the delicious mac and cheese panggang should had aroma and taste that can provoke our taste buds.

Many things that more or less affect the taste quality of mac and cheese panggang, start from the type of material, then material selection fresh, until the way of processing and serving it. No need worry if want prepare mac and cheese panggang good wherever you are, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is could become treat special.

Ingredients and seasonings required for prepare
  1. Prepare makaroni
  2. Use susu cair
  3. Use tepung terigu
  4. Take bawang bombay, cincang kasar
  5. Take sosis, potong-potong
  6. Prepare margarin
  7. Prepare lada bubuk
  8. Prepare garam
  9. Use kaldu bubuk
  10. Take oregano
  11. Prepare keju cheddar, parut
  12. Take keju quick melt (parut / iris)

Tambahkan cream cheese, aduk hingga cream cheese meleleh. Tambahkan keju cheddar parut dan keju mudah meleleh, aduk hingga keju meleleh dan adonan menjadi larutan yang kental. Masukkan garam, gula dan kaldu bubuk. Aduk rata dan angkat adonan dari kompor.

How to make Mac and Cheese Panggang:
  1. Rebus makaroni sampai lunak saja (aldente), angkat dari kompor, siram air dingin lalu tiriskan.
  2. Panaskan margarin, tumis bombay sampai layu kemudian masukkan sosis. Masak sampai sosis kecoklatan.
  3. Masukkan tepung, aduk sampai menyatu kemudian masukkan susu cair lalu keju parut (sisakan sedikit untuk toping).
  4. Lalu masukkan lada bubuk, garam dan kaldu bubuk, aduk rata biarkan sampai mendidih.
  5. Setelah mendidih, masukkan makroni, aduk sampai semua menyatu dan agak mengental, koreksi rasa, matikan api.
  6. Masukkan makroni ke dalam wadah pyrex beri taburan keju cheddar dan irisan keju quick melt lalu taburi oregano. Panggang dengan api atas sekitar kurang lebih 20 menit atau sesuai oven masing - masing, sampai keju sedikit burning. Angkat dan sajikan selagi hangat..
  7. Done and ready to serve!

Berikutnya di tungkan susu cairnya, lalu di aduk hingga merata. Makaroni schotel, or makaroni schaal, is an Indonesian casserole with roots in Dutch cuisine. Dutch colonizers introduced macaroni-style noodles to the island nation, and the name of this preparation, which may also be referred to as macaroni panggang, literally translates to "macaroni dish" from the Dutch word for the vessel it's baked in. Meat is a staple addition to makaroni schotel. Karena ini akan dipanggang maka waktunya dikurangi.

relatives or to be inspiration for you who want to do culinary business. Hope it’s useful and good luck!