Again looking for inspiration recipes bibimbab (비빔밥) korea that are delicious? How to prepare it is indeed difficult and easy. If wrong processing, the result will be unsatisfactory and in fact tend to be unpleasant. Even though the delicious bibimbab (비빔밥) korea should had aroma and taste that could provoke our taste buds.
Many things that more or less affect the taste quality of bibimbab (비빔밥) korea, first from the type of material, then material selection fresh, until the way of processing and serving it. No need worry if want prepare bibimbab (비빔밥) korea delicious home, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is able be dish special.
Ingredients and seasonings required in prepare
- Prepare Daging sapi/tuna basic air
- Prepare Telur
- Prepare Semangkok Bayam
- Prepare Wortel
- Take Bawang Bombay
- Prepare Paprika merah/Cabai Besar Merah
- Prepare Semangkok toge kedelai
- Prepare Lobak kecil
- Prepare Timun
- Prepare Bumbu Marinasi Daging:
- Use Bawang putih
- Prepare Jahe
- Use Kecap asin
- Take Gula
- Use Lada bubuk
- Prepare Bahan saus:
- Prepare Bawang putih
- Prepare Gochujang
- Use Kecap asin
- Prepare Bubuk cabai
- Prepare Gula
- Take Cuka
- Take Minyak wijen
- Prepare Biji wijen putih
- Use Pelengkap
- Take Nori
- Prepare wijen sangrai hitam & putih
Bibimbap is served as a bowl of warm white rice topped with namul (sautéed and seasoned vegetables) and gochujang (chili pepper paste). Bibimbap (비빔밥) is a Korean dish that basically means Mixed Rice. Colorful ingredients, including kimchi and other side dishes, are arranged on a bowl of rice. BibimBap (비빔밥) BiBimBap (비빔밥) is a healthy, filling Korean dish that many people love to eat.
Step by step to cook Bibimbab (비빔밥) Korea:
- Parut bawang putih dan jahe.
- Berikan bumbu
- Daging sapi iris tipis2 kecil2. Bisa diganti juga pakai tuna kaleng basic(dasar) air yaitu saat di lihat kalengnya dia hanya di rebus bukan digoreng. Jd cari yang kadar air ya bukan minyak. Campur daging dengan bumbu marinasi diamkan 30 menit
- Setelah 30 menit tumis di wajan dengan api kecil. Angkat sisihkan
- Petiki bayam rebus bayam sebentar. Bayam bisa diganti dengan sayur apapun seperti kangkung, pakis atau daun ubi. Cuci bersih toge kedelai rebus sebentar. Kalau Di Korea pakis nya berwarna merah karena dia tumbuh di pegunungan berbatu. Kalau di Indonesia kebanyakan tumbuh di hutan.
- Kupas wortel iris korek api tumis wortel pakai sedikit garam agar wortel manis.
- Tumis bawang Bombay hingga layu
- Kupas lobak cuci bersih potong-potong berikan garam diamkan 20 menit cuci bersih kembali. Saya suka lobak yang mentah rasanya seperti jahe dan sensasi krenyes2. Jika tidak suka mentah bisa ditumis sebentar ya.
- Kupas timun. Iris korek api. Tumis Stengah matang angkat sisihkan.
- Iris dua cabai besar. Buang bijinya. Cuci bersih. iris memanjang. Saya dalam keadaan mentah. Jika paprika bisa di iris lalu di tumis sebentar ya.
- Parut bawang putih. Campur dengan bumbu saus bibimbab. Bumbu ini untuk satu resep mangkok bibimbab ya. Kalau mau buat banyak tinggal di kalikan saja ya.
- Ambil 2 centong nasi. Tata semua di atas nasi.
- Aduk rata dengan bumbu. Siap di sajikan. Lebih nikmat di bungkus nori. Salam_makan
- Done and ready to serve!
In Korean, it literally means "mixed rice" and that is exactly what you do. It is a scoop of rice served in a bowl with various vegetables and meat placed on top with a… Bibimbap is a famous and very popular Korean dish - the word literally means "mixed rice". Bibimbap is served as a bowl of warm white rice topped with namool "(나물)" (sautéed and seasoned vegetables) and gochujang (chili pepper paste), soy sauce, or doenjang (a fermented soybean paste). Place rice, water, and salt in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over high heat. For the spinach: Bring a medium pot of water to a boil.
how is this? Easy isn’t it? That’s the make bibimbab (비빔밥) korea that you practice at home. Good luck!