Easy Ways Make Recipes Lodeh labu siam + tahu favorit suami ❤ the So Delicious So Delicious.

Easy Ways Make Recipes Lodeh labu siam + tahu favorit suami ❤ the So Delicious So Delicious.

  • nindya gitaya
  • nindya gitaya
  • May 26, 2021

Are looking for inspiration recipes lodeh labu siam + tahu favorit suami ❤ that are delicious? How to make it is indeed difficult and easy. If wrong processing, the result will be unsatisfactory and even unpleasant. Even though the delicious lodeh labu siam + tahu favorit suami ❤ should had aroma and taste that can provoke our taste buds.

Many things that more or less affect the taste quality of lodeh labu siam + tahu favorit suami ❤, first from the type of material, then material selection fresh, until the way of processing and serving it. No need worry if want prepare lodeh labu siam + tahu favorit suami ❤ good home, because as long as you know the trick, this dish is can be dish special.

Ingredients and seasonings must exist in make
  1. Prepare labu siam (potong korek api, rendam dgn air garam)
  2. Prepare tahu (potong dadu atau sesuai selera)
  3. Prepare lengkuas
  4. Prepare daun jeruk
  5. Prepare daun salam (boleh skip)
  6. Prepare cabe rawit utuh (cabut tangkainya)
  7. Prepare gula pasir (atau sesuai selera)
  8. Take garam (atau sesuai selera)
  9. Prepare penyedap rasa (saya pakau kaldu jamur non msg)
  10. Prepare santan (saya pake kara 65ml)
  11. Prepare air
  12. Use Bumbu Halus
  13. Use bawang merah
  14. Prepare bawang putih
  15. Prepare cabe merah besar
  16. Prepare cabe rawit
  17. Prepare kunyit
  18. Prepare ketumbar
Step by step to make Lodeh labu siam + tahu favorit suami ❤:
  1. Goreng tahu hingga setengah matang.
  2. Haluskan semua bahan bumbu halus.
  3. Tumis bumbu halus dengan daun jeruk, daun salam dan lengkuas sampai harum.
  4. Masukan air, biarkan hingga mendidih.
  5. Setelah air mendidih masukkan labu siam dan tahu. Masukkan juga cabe rawit utuh yang sudah diambil tangkainya.
  6. Bumbui dengan gula, garam, dan penyedap rasa. Biarkan hingga meresap, lalu masukkan santan dan aduk rata.
  7. Koreksi rasa, sajikan!
  8. Aku kasih lombok utuh karena selera pedesku dan suami beda. Karena aku lebih suka pedes, klo makan sekalian ambil beberapa rawit utuhnya trus dibejek di piring deh 😋
  9. Done and ready to serve!

me, the simple preparation of Lodeh labu siam + tahu favorit suami ❤ above can help you prepare dishes that are delicious for family/friends Good luck!